The Electronic Mail Primer, 21 pages of easy-to-read information highlighting benefits and practical examples of E-Mail features.
The Primer is for anyone who needs or wants to learn more about E-Mail. The purpose of the Primer is to teach the basic concepts of electronic mail and to offer ideas for more advanced uses. Diagrams and true-life stories make the subject matter easier to understand and enjoyable for the reader.
CE Software is also offering a HyperCard stack version of the Electronic Mail Primer. The stack version is available from CE Software or can be downloaded from electronic mail services, such as MacNET or CompuServe.
The Electronic Mail Primer is available from dealers and resellers or directly from:
CE Software, Inc.
PO Box 65580
West Des Moines, IA 50265 USA
(515) 224-1995
E-Mail Addresses:
MacNet: CESupport CompuServe: 76136,2137
AppleLink: D0048 GEnie: CESoftware
MCI Mail: CESoftware Delphi: CESupport
The Source: SIG058 FAX: 515-224-4534
QuickMail is a trademark of CE Software, Inc.
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CE Software presents …
The Electronic Mail Primer
The Electronic Mail Primer, 21 pages of easy-to-read information highlighting benefits and practical examples of E-Mail features.
The Primer is for anyone who needs or wants to learn more about E-Mail. The purpose of the Primer is to teach the basic concepts of electronic mail and to offer ideas for more advanced uses. Diagrams and true-life stories make the subject matter easier to understand and enjoyable for the reader.
CE Software is also offering a HyperCard stack version of the Electronic Mail Primer. The stack version is available from CE Software or can be downloaded from electronic mail services, such as MacNET or CompuServe.
The Electronic Mail Primer is available from dealers and resellers or directly from: